Category: Internal Medicine
A Definitive Acid-Base Disorders Worksheet
This Acid-Base Disorders Worksheet is one of the best acid-base algorithms I have ever seen. It is an adaptation from Joshua Steinberg MD, sent to me today by Dr. Dontu, academic hospitalist at York Hospital, York PA.
Book Review: Instant Workups, A Clinical Guide to Medicine
Learners, particularly medical students and junior residents, sometimes have difficulty translating disease-based knowledge of pathology, pathophysiology and laboratory medicine to complaint-based real world medicine. They might know, for example, what “classic” acute heart failure is supposed to look like, but they might have some trouble wrapping their minds around the question of how to approach a patient who comes with…
Iatrogenically-Mediated Glucocorticoid Deficiency
Iatrogenically-mediated glucocorticoid deficiency Iatrogenically-mediated glucocorticoid deficiency is a condition that occurs when prescribed glucocorticoids are abruptly withdrawn. Signs and symptoms include weakness, nausea, vomiting and hypotension. Secondary adrenal failure is an inferior and confusing term for what should be more appropriate termed iatrogenically-mediated glucocorticoid deficiency, Secondary adrenal failure incorrectly implies that all of the hormones made by the adrenal gland, including mineralocorticoids and adrenal…
Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia (MEN) Syndromes – Mnemonic
This will help you keep the multiple endocrine neoplasia syndromes straight in your head: MEN1: the number “1” in MEN1 should remind you of primary or prime number. MEN1 involves things that start with the letter P: Pituitary adenoma Parathyroid hyperplasia Pancreatic islet cell tumors (gastrinoma, insulinoma, glucagonoma) MEN2A: happens to involve the letter C (This is MEN2A, so there are…
Examination of the lymph nodes by Dr. Saul Rosenberg
This demonstration of the examination of the lymph nodes by Dr. Saul A. Rosenberg, Professor of Medicine (Emeritus) at Stanford University School of Medicine and a lymphoma specialist, is outstanding. Hat tip: Stanford 25. Lymph node exam 1 from Blake Charlton on Vimeo. Lymph Node Exam #2 from Blake Charlton on Vimeo. Lymph Node Exam #3 from…
Physical Examination of the Spine and Extremities by Stanley Hoppenfeld
There are very few medical books in existence about which one can be tempted to declare, “I doubt whether in my lifetime there will ever be another book about this topic that is as good as this one.” In fact, I know only one medical book about which a statements like this might be said…
Back Pain: a “Worst First” Approach
When it comes to back pain, think of the worst, i.e. the most dangerous ones, first. That way you won’t miss anything critical, either in real life or on the Boards. Cardiovascular Upper back pain: consider acute coronary syndrome or thoracic aortic dissection Lower back pain: consider abdominal aortic aneurism or rupture (older smoker) and retroperitoneal hematoma.…