The Medical Media Review

  • How to Fix Common Glucose Problems in Diabetics

    Below is a list of common glucose problems, which commonly occur in diabetics, along with their solutions: Hyperglycemia Fasting  – increase basal insulin Pre-lunch  – increase breakfast rapid acting insulin or increase morning NPH (intermediate acting) Pre-dinner  – increase lunchtime rapid acting insulin or increase morning NPH Hypoglycemia Fasting or nocturnal – decrease basal insulin at bedtime…

  • Book Review: Robbins and Cotran Atlas of Pathology, 2e

    Book Review: Robbins and Cotran Atlas of Pathology, 2e

    Robbins and Cotran Atlas of Pathology by Edward C. Klatt MD contains more than 1,500 high-yield medical images, including clinical and intraoperative photographs, pictures of gross pathology specimens, blood smears, H&E stains, electron micrographs, funduscopic and endoscopic images, plain radiographs, CTs, ultrasonographic images, MRIs, and many other. The pictures are generally clear and clinically relevant, with  authoritative and concise…

  • Hypermineralocorticoidism Explained

    Introduction Aldosterone is the most important mineralocorticoid in the human body, although various other hormones, such as cortisol, display mineralocorticoid activity as well, namely they cause hypertension, hypokalemia, and chloride resistant metabolic alkalosis (urine chloride > 20). In addition, mineralocorticoids can also cause hypernatremia and hypervolemia. The triad of hypertension, and hypokalemia and chloride resistant metabolic alkalosis should…

  • The Best Basic Sciences Books for Medical Students

    The Best Basic Sciences Books for Medical Students

    Here is my list, in no particular order, of the best basic sciences books for medical students: Robbins and Cotran Atlas of Pathology by Edward C. Klatt MD (2009, reviewed here) Basic Clinical Neuroscience (2007) by Paul A. Young PhD. Netter’s Essential Histology. 2007. William K. Ovalle PhD. Molecular Biology Made Simple and Fun. 2010. David P.…

  • How to Become a Superstar Diagnostician Within the Span of One Lifetime or Less

    How to Become a Superstar Diagnostician Within the Span of One Lifetime or Less

    To become a great diagnostician, you need to excel in six different diagnostic modalities: (1) history-taking, (2) physical examination, (3) laboratory medicine, (4) medical imaging (including point-of-care ultrasonography), (5) electrocardiography, and (6) bedside diagnostic procedures. History-taking The two most important components of history-taking are knowing what to ask and how to ask questions. Prepare and perfect scripted questions for…

  • Acid-Base Abnormalities and Their Causes

    Introduction Acid-Base pathophysiology plays an important role in every aspect of medical practice, including psychiatry. Doctors and medical students need to know, both for real life and for examinations, the predicted acid base disorder of various diseases. It is much easier to interpret ABGs when you know ahead of time what to expect: So let’s start…

  • Book Review: Illegal Drugs, A Complete Guide to Their History, Chemistry, Use, and Abuse

    Book Review: Illegal Drugs, A Complete Guide to Their History, Chemistry, Use, and Abuse

    You can judge this book by its title. Illegal Drugs: A Complete Guide to Their History, Chemistry, Use, and Abuse (2003) by Paul M. Gahlinger MD is, in fact, an extremely comprehensive treatment of both illegal and legal psychoactive substances, including their history, law, chemistry, processing and distribution, metabolism, neuroscience, medical management, linguistics, folklore, and popular culture. Hundreds of…

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