The Medical Media Review

  • Book Review: Neurology and Neurosurgery Illustrated, 4e

    Book Review: Neurology and Neurosurgery Illustrated, 4e

    Neurologist have a reputation as “thinking types,” so it is not surprising that there are plenty of good neurology books out there. What is surprising to me, however, is the relative paucity of exceptionally good neurology books. Neurology and Neurosurgery Illustrated, Fourth Edition (2004) by Kenneth W. Lindsay PhD FRCS and Ian Bone FRCP FACP is one such…

  • Book Review: The ABSITE Review, 3e, by Steven M. Fiser

    Book Review: The ABSITE Review, 3e, by Steven M. Fiser

    There are a lot of outstanding medical books out there, but if I had only one book to use in preparation for any Step on the Boards, I would probably choose The ABSITE Review, Third Edition (2010) by Steven M. Fiser MD because the book is loaded with many, many hundreds of answers to commonly asked Board questions. The book’s emphasis…

  • Book Review: 12-Lead EKG Confidence, 2e

    Book Review: 12-Lead EKG Confidence, 2e

    12-Lead EKG Confidence: A Step-by-Step Guide, Second Edition, by Jacqueline M. Green and Anthony J. Chiaramida MD,  is a book that every medical student and resident should know and understand very thoroughly. If you can afford to buy only one EKG book – this should be the one.Instead of showing you a bunch of random patters that…

  • The 3-Minute Neurological Examination Done in Two Minutes Flat!

    The 3-Minute Neurological Examination Done in Two Minutes Flat!

    The 3 Minute Neurological Examination is an excellent screening neurological examination which is executed with nearly impeccable skill in two minutes flat. The explanation section, which follows the demonstration, is excellent too! Tests/commands performed are: With eyes closed: Romberg test (proprioception). With eyes opened: tandem gait (heel-to-toe walking). Walk on tip toes (power test of plantar flexion). Walk on heels…

  • Opening Salvo! The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-base Companion, by Sarah Faubel and Joel Topf

    Opening Salvo! The Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-base Companion, by Sarah Faubel and Joel Topf

    The Fluid, Electrolyte And Acid-base Companion, 1999 (with 2011 updates?), by  Sarah Faubel and Joel Topf, is an outstanding nephrology text and workbook. It is beautifully illustrated, and boasts an excellent blend of basic and clinical science. It is easily one of the finest  medical books ever published. Best of all, the entire book can be download free of charge at Dr.…

  • Welcome to the Medical Media Review

    Hello and welcome to the Medical Media Review! The Medical Media Review is a service that is dedicated to the independent review and endorsement of outstanding medical educational products, including books, software, videos and CD-ROMs. Please let me know if you have any ideas about how I might improve the content and educational value of this website.…

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