There are very few basics science books that make me wish I was back in medical school so I could learn the subject matter that way. Principles of Cell Biology (2014) is one such very rare book.
Like most basic science books I’ve reviewed here, Principles of Cell Biology (2014) isn’t a what book but a why book. The book proposes to explain why things are the way they are, and how various molecules and organelles interact with one another to achieve tissue-level and organism-level results. The book is only slightly more than 450 pages long (if you ignore the glossary and index, etc.) and is logical, readable, and well-organized.
Take for example the nervous system. A neurologist can tell you what the nervous system does from the top down (cognition, consciousness, etc.). This is an important way to conceptualize the nervous system, a method that certainly has its place in clinical practice. But a cell biologist thinks about the human body from the bottom up: “nervous tissue provides for rapid communication between parts in animals” (page 39). This short sentence tells you why nerve cells exist and provides the framework for understanding everything that follows. And once you have this idea firmly imbedded in your brain, the more detailed mechanisms—all the whats that follow—are much easier to understand and remember.

“The book provides a firm foundation for advanced programs in biological sciences, medicine, dentistry and bioengineering” (page xi, emphasis supplied). It does not claim to be a comprehensive and egregiously-detailed cell biology textbook. (If it did, I probably wouldn’t care to read it or write a review about it. Dozens such books exist!). On the other hand, this isn’t a lightweight summary-type book either. A cover-to-cover reading would require a very serious time commitment, perhaps as part of a formal cell biology or biochemistry course.
I therefore recommend Principles of Cell Biology (2014) very highly to all premedical students. I also recommend it to medical students who want to gain a deeper understanding of cell biology through an enjoyable and refreshing read. Principles of Cell Biology (2014) is a rare gem and one of the best books in its genre. Perhaps best of all, you can rent it on Amazon for under $17 US.
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