The Medical Media Review
Toxic and Drug-Induced Changes of the Electrocardiogram by Catalina Lionte, et al.
Toxic and Drug-Induced Changes of the Electrocardiogram by Catalina Lionte, et al. is an excellent chapter about the role of electrocardiography in toxicological diagnosis. It comes from the book Advances in Electrocardiograms – Clinical Applications (2012). The chapter can be accessed online free here or here. The book can be accessed free here. Some of the electrocardiogram are really…
Book Review: Movement Disorders in Clinical Practice
Movement disorders are often difficult to classify, teach and learn, but are nonetheless extremely important to clinical practice. Myoclonus, for example, is an extremely important clinical sign, as is tardive dyskinesia. Movement Disorders in Clinical Practice (2010) by K. Ray Chaudhuri is a superb text that teaches you almost everything you need to know about movement disorders. The text is…
Book Review: Skin Disease, Diagnosis and Treatment, Third Edition (2011) by Thomas P. Habif MD
Skin Disease: Diagnosis and Treatment, Third Edition (2011), by Thomas P. Habif MD, does an excellent job at detailing what primary care physicians need to know when it comes to dermatology. The pictures are excellent, and the text is efficient, smart and readable. It feels as though one is listening to the sage advice of a seasoned attending.…
Book Review: 2011 EMRA Antibiotic Guide by Brian J. Levine MD
I’ve been looking for a book like this for years before I finally stumbled upon this one. 2011 EMRA Antibiotic Guide (2010), by Brian J. Levine MD is a simple, straightforward 128-page guide to antibiotic therapy. For almost any infectious disease, the text advises you about which antibiotic to use, along with the appropriate dose, route, frequency…
Book Review: Minor Emergencies by Philip M. Buttaravoli
Minor Emergencies (2007) by Philip M. Buttaravoli is a book about exceedingly common, seldom taught, and frequently overlooked medical conditions. The book will teach you everything that you need to know about managing hundreds of medical problems including avulsed teeth, tick bites, bee stings, thermal burns and aphthous ulcers. Other conditions covered are somewhat rarer,…
Hip and Groin Examination by Dr. Mark Hutchinson
While most patients cannot discern what’s happening between your ears when you put a stethoscope against their chests, they can easily tell when you are bungling your way through a half-baked shoulder or hip and groin examination. Why is that? Well, patients cannot hear what you are hearing (or not hearing!) through your stethoscope. And…
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